So, the Covid -19 crisis has put the world under Lockdown and bought an uncertain standstill to our routine life. Whether or not we want to admit it, most of us have probably seen our productivity drop since the Pandemic. But Given the situation we have to lean in and adapt to new normal till the time insists.
The world is hit by Pandemic and foreseeing the Global recession ahead layoffs are performed by many companies to eliminate the dead weight and retain top talent. We know many people have been economically impacted by COVID-19. Experts believe that it may take on an average of at least four to six months for different businesses to recover from the impact.
The times are tough…indeed very tough. We all are reading newspapers watching the news and are aware of things happening around, we can feel the inflationary pressure around us. People are chasing for jobs; salaries are cut and increments are put on hold. Jobs most at risk are high salary jobs at the top of the job chain. At the same time, the entry-level will postpone hiring as far into the future as possible and companies are rationalizing, all are facing stigma on unemployment and job search, but we need to keep our hopes high.
While there is a strong reason to be hopeful that many of the jobs will return, whether you’ve lost your job or preparing just in case, we need to take preventive measures and never give up on the grave situation. show that the tougher times are there to not lose hope but to upskill ourselves at each step. We all must remember “Tough times never last, but tough people do. So Never give in… Never Ever
Below are 8 habits which you can adapt to survive and come out on the other end:
1. Time your task:
Follow a Schedule and create a discipline to incorporate it in your daily routine Work rigorously on the objective to finish it before the deadline you have set for yourself. Keep track of things that you are doing and avoid ad hoc work. Do your research and maintain notes. keeping track of which jobs you’ve applied to, or considered applying to. There are some things that you need to do during your job search—and some things that you can skip. After all, you don’t have to incessantly refresh your email to see if that hiring manager finally got back to you. Prioritize what’s most important and then don’t feel guilty about ditching the rest.
2. Develop skills:
We strongly believe the best way to utilize the extra hours during the lockdown is to upgrade and up-skill, why not take the given opportunity to think out of the box and take a step to open new doors for career and skills development. And not to forget folks we are born for the Era of Digital India and we have to adapt to the Digital trend. There are a lot of online courses out there for free such as technical courses, business courses, academic courses, learn new Language, and many more. so, you can finally tick off some of those online courses you’ve been putting off. There are many Websites offering free course and learning which will help to enhance your skills, you can watch online tutorial and upgrade your skills. Additionally, when you are well aware that social distancing is the new norm prepare yourself for video interviewing.
3. Navigate Job search:
Continue Applying for open position and look for various job portals and keep giving your best shot. Anticipate longer response time during the crisis and try to push your resume to top of the pile to grab a opportunity. If you are creative, flexible, and patient, you will succeed. Be mindful that hiring is constantly shifting and the timelines are changing. Stay positive and motivated in your job search. Continue to apply for jobs. Your efforts will pay off.
4. Re-establish your Networks:
Even if it’s not something that you love, networking is an essential part as it will keep you posted about the latest trends in your industry which will foster a career development plan. As you network with people at your company, in your industry, and even outside your field of interest, you’ll uncover opportunities to connect with different types of mentors and advisors, increase your visibility with senior management, further develop your areas of expertise, and improve your soft skills.
5. Research:
Conduct research drive on various functions, departments, companies and industries and gain insight on recent trends and competition analysis. Staying informed on trends is important to help you build credibility and value and it will help you strengthen your knowledge. Successful people spend time every day keeping up with the latest news and developments in their field, so make time in your day for these strategies.
6. Self-Brand Building:
As we live in the Era of Digital, we should make full use of it and given the situation, this could provide an opportunity for individuals to put the thought out and build a strong profile for self. Update your resume and Strengthen your cover letter. Be active on LinkedIn and keep posting original content and create profile visibility for self. It will help you build a personal brand and let hiring managers know what you are about and your knowledge and insight about the industry.
7.Take up Freelancing:
In future Companies would like to hire contractual Workers and Freelancers instead of full-time workers as companies would focus on rationalizing their business to keep them in profit, And it is always better to do something rather than nothing at all so first, think about what interests you the most to guide you through your Freelancing or part-time job search. AnalyZe your strength and do the background study which will help you build your skills in which you can outsource your expertise for business websites, blogs, case studies or marketing copy strategy. A few hours a week could provide a stellar resume and portfolio material. you’ll be able to double your income, expand your skillset, network with people in your field or industry, and even grab a full-time position.
8. Look after Mental Health :
Mental Health will be our next crisis caused by the financial impacts, As many are struggling to overcome the current situation, Restricted movements and self-isolation ISno easy feat, and it might give a spike to anxiety, stress, and Loneliness but do not forget “Things will go wrong BUT this is not the END” so heads up and face the situation. Start your day with regular exercise Avoid watching, reading, or listening to news that causes you to feel anxious or distress and get into self-care and work on building immunity. Grab some hobby or cook a meal for your parents, Play Games with your kids. connect with family & Friends. People are gathering virtually, especially those that haven’t done so in a while. It is time to keep over-thinking and guilt aside and look at relationship-building activities with people around and allow the light back in.